Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Birthday Boy and Dirt

My little man recently turned seven years old. SEVEN! So, we asked a few boys from our neighborhood as well as a friend from church to have some fun at an arcade/pizza place for a get together. After exhausting quarters we had pizza and soda and dessert, opened presents and then capped it off with a round of bumper cars with the parents included. I think the parents screamed louder than the kids.

I was not really in the mood to actually bake a big ole fancy cake for our son's birthday. So, what do I do? Throw some oreos and other shudderingly sweet ingredients together for TA-DA! Dirt cake. It was a big hit with the kids and the parents as well. Who says kids are the only ones who can enjoy a sugar high? When I was making it, got comments like, "Why are you putting coffee (he meant it looked like coffee grounds) in my cake?" And also the, "Why are you putting it in the fridge and not the oven?" He got kicked out of the kitchen after a whole bunch more questions so I could finish in peace.

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