Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sugared out

You see all those cute cookies that are passed around, so pretty, so put together, consumed in one or two bites. What you DON'T see is the work that goes into it.

Just to show you the process, here are a few photos. Here are Girlie pants and little man mixing the batter to "help". Do you realize how hard it is to keep track of how many cups or teaspoons that have gone in when you have 2 little chirpers in the background squealing, "I wanna heeeellllpppp!!" I think I used over 3 pounds of butter in one week. I still want to make a FEW more things for this Sunday for the kids we teach. Then comes the cutting out and rolling out. Flour flour every where for these sugar cookies.

Then of course the cooling and drying of the cookies as well trying to make them all fit on the cookie rack. And finally, after I let girlie pants and little man decorate a few of them, I decorate the rest to give away to neighbors.

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