Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunny Days

My son is really into Trans formers. I mean, very very very into it. So into it that he studies the info and stat sheets that come with the toys. Daddy, who also liked them as a child, feeds this interest. I have learned not to even touch them. Not because my son would get upset, but then he would start to get the idea that Mommy will transform them as well. Yeahhhh I say no. I'll read to you, play games with you, teach you, but don't ask me to mess with the Transformers, you got Daddy for that. Both uncles have also gotten you Transformers, so you don't need Mommy for this part of your interests. Really, you don't. :)

Today, it is pouring. I was actually trying to prune some of my garden and it started to dump. This picture was taken just two days ago. My kids wanted to fill small vases with Mommy, so I got them to pull up the dandelions. Too bad they wilted so quick. Hopefully, it stops raining long enough to gather all the clippings together for pickup tomorrow. Soggy leaves, oh joy.

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