Friday, May 15, 2009

Shaping up

Finally decided to warm up here. We are starting to have blooming stuff in our yard. Here are some iris. Funny story. The first time we got blooms off of the iris (which I got from my sister in law), I only had dark purple flowers. Second time around, a renegade yellow one appeared. This year, there is one that is two-toned. Purple and white. I wish you could see the colors up close. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of fancy camera. Some other flowers that are blooming include a columbine, also known as a granny's bonnet. I didn't have any forethought. It's smooshed between iris. Going to have to move it later. The lilac bush, which I whacked the dickens out of this past fall, is blooming too. There is also a weirdly placed wisteria. It's next to the power pole and always climbs up it. Which is, in my opinion, a fire hazard as well as inconvenient for maintenance people. I wish it was transplant able. It's too big and old though, so I just whack what climbs up the pole.

The part that was really a lot of work is the vegetable and herb corner. NOW there was some major work. I mentioned it before, but here is a rundown of what I have. Herbs: 2 types of basil (green and purple), 2 types of mint (pineapple and apple), chives, cilantro, lemon balm. Vegetables: Corn, pumpkins, 3 kinds of green beans, zucchini, heriloom tomatoes, onions. There is also some sunflowers that my sister in law gave me as well. Hopefully, they thrive and I will have veggies in a few months.

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